We woke up early and slowly got ready to leave, both of us loathed the thought of leaving the woods in exchange for the city. We had to take our gear piece by piece down the hill so the ranger wouldn't see that we were camping in the woods. After we finally got all the gear down we had to repair a popped tire, pump some water and jump in the lake.
After a detour to the library we headed out on the Micklson trail. The road was crushed gravel which i had no problem conquering with my larger tires but LeAnn was less then pleased. We biked until Custer which was the last big city for a long while.Then the clouds started showing up. Huge billowing clouds at which we dutifully ignored. Until the locals stopped us worrying about us dying in the golf ball sized hail. At least we have helmets.
We took shelter at park, ate dinner and talked to a feisty woman who i could see totally following us to Alaska if she were a bit younger.
The rain poured, we played cards.
Near dark we left Custer heading for a rest stop on the trail 9 miles away. We were greeted with the wonderful surprise of the trail being completely downhill what a blessing.
We slept out under the stars with only a slight worry of prairie rattle snakes cuddling with us for warmth