Jul 25, 2011

Day 46 Wildlife Sanctuary (LeAnn)

Today, we continued biking on what is known as one of the most deadly highways in Montana. Highway 93 has more crosses on the side of the road than I have ever seen in my life. We stopped at a little grocery store in Arlee and bought the fixings to make corn tortillas with beans and veggies. I always like to buy a few pieces of fruit as well, any kind of fresh produce just tastes so much better when you're on the road.

We made it almost to Ronan when Ben started to feel a little ill. Thankfully we came across a wildlife sanctuary. Ben and I left our bikes and found a little overgrown trail that led straight into the woods. The trail led to a tunnel-like entrance with wooden walls on either side sprinkled with little holes to view the wildlife. The walls led to stairs and in we climbed to a wooden shelter with a bench in the middle and more holes built into the walls for bird watchers and the like. Beneath the floorboards, tiny little purple and yellow bell flowers crept up on spiraling tendrils. The entire place had magical feel. We brought our bikes in and Ben laid down to rest while I cooked a dinner of lentil and vegetable soup. Poor Ben was having hot and cold sweats throughout the night.

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