Jun 8, 2011

6/1/11-We're off!

We woke up early, and realized we would not be leaving at 5 am by some miracle and we would spend the day working our butts off trying to get ready. We went through the gear 4 times each time getting rid of a coat a double of something, a few band aids or some odd piece of food. Slowly we whittled down our gear till it was a slightly smaller gigantic pile in the middle of the living room. we were down to 150 pounds not including water. This was for two people we reasoned and though 150 pounds of gear sounded like a lot 75 per person sounded less and if you added that we would be away from home for 6 months at most it seemed trivial. After settling the gear issue for now we had to make panniers. I ended up taking two children's suitcases and strapping them over the back rack, and borrowing two tidy cat litter containers from the bike cave. Leann having to go without. After a few other errands and gear runs we were ready to go. It was 8pm a few hours later then we had hoped. And we we're off!

We pedaled for a few miles until it started getting dark. Slowly are spirit's fell as the long day finally took a toll on us. Just as all seemed lost fire works started going off in front of us. Huge displays of sound light rocketed toward the sky, we pulled off right by wade stadium and watched with the supposed hundreds of wide eyed fans.

Our spirits much higher and minds lighter we pressed on until we got to the head of the Munger trail. It was pretty late so we decided to make camp a little off the trail. We ate a late dinner of rice and beans over our new stove, and two slightly crabby people fell asleep after the long 19 hour day.

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