Jul 25, 2011

Day 41 Behind Another Dirt Pile (LeAnn)

We biked the rest of the way to Ennis. The town had a very nice library. We stopped at the grocery store and bought food just on time before a storm came rolling in. The Lion's park picnic shelter was a perfect spot for dinner and we made pasta and played cards while waiting out the storm. After the rain had stopped a man came by and told us there was a campground just on the other side of the road that we could stay at and it was only $4 a night. We hadn't stayed at a campground yet and decided that it might be nice to not have to worry about getting caught for one night.

So we hung out at the Lion's park for a while longer, played frisbee with our cooking pot cover and practiced some martial arts. My new game involved a stick covered in mud at one end (my weapon against Ben) He had to avoid getting covered with mud while I attacked him.
We saw another double rainbow hanging over the mountains as the sun began to set and soon made our way over to the campsite. Unfortunately, the campsite was specifically for fishermen. You needed a valid Montana fishing license to get the cheap camping rate, otherwise it was $30.

It's hard when you're on the road in open spaces and there isn't any public land for a person to legally camp on for free. We rode out of town and found a nice big dirt pile off the side of the highway that was the perfect cover for us to sleep behind.

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